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Oftentimes people are appalled with the thought of bacteria. Bacteria are usually correlated with words such as harmful, infectious, and virulent. Although bacteria present such a negative image, it also has a positive side to it. There are such things as “good bacteria,” otherwise known as probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms that give health benefits when present in sufficient amounts. They help in keeping the digestive system healthy and is widely known as a remedy for those suffering from diarrhea. Probiotics are beneficial not only to humans but to pets as well. Dog probiotics, however, come in different formulations than those that manufactured for humans.

Although sufficient research on the specific health claims of a lot of dog probiotics is still lacking, its role in the improvement of gastrointestinal health of pets is widely acknowledged. It is also believed to improve the immune system of dogs as well. Many might wonder what difference there is between typical human probiotics and dog probiotics. There really is not a lot of differences other than the concentration of probiotics and the physical attributes of the of how the probiotics are delivered. While this is so, you cannot start feeding yogurt to your dog and expect it to benefit from the probiotics in it. It is still best to give your dog products that are specifically formulated for canines.

If you would like to know more about probiotics for dogs and cats you can find more information on http://www.pawbiotics.com.

Aside from helping with digestion, dog probiotics also offer benefits such as reducing the level of inflammation in allergic dogs, providing better vaccine reaction and growth rate in puppies, lowering of cholesterol in both healthy dogs and those afflicted with intestinal disease, reducing the level of fecal bacteria in dogs, and more. Basically, probiotics work by settling itself in the gut and fighting off pathogens, thus preventing their proliferation in the digestive region.

Good bacteria are naturally found in the lining of intestines of all mammals. These microbes play an important role in protecting the body against disease. These good bacteria, however, may be diminished by alterations in healthy diet and environment. This leaves the body prone to sickness. The normal flora of pets are usually lessened when they are reared into their adoptive homes as they are exposed to different conditions and settings. Supplementing them with probiotics can help restore their natural intestinal microbial balance, thus leading to their normal nutritional state and overall health.

For dog pet owners wanting to know if the supplementation of dog probiotics is necessary, one must consider the value of their pet’s health and well-being. Most veterinarians consider probiotics as essential in maintaining optimum health and suggest that it be included as a part of their dog’s daily diet. Even healthy dogs need supplementation in order to increase their stamina, ability to fight diseases, energy level and overall quality of life.

Giving the good bacteria in their digestive tract a population boost will benefit them in countless ways. For a better, healthier and happier dog, provide your trusty canine with probiotic supplements and see the difference in their overall health and immunity as it gets the best out of their doggie years.